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AB Phillips
N/A Melbourne

AB Phillips is the recognised leader for insurance and financial services to camps, outdoor activity providers and educators. Experts in Adventure, we offer comprehensive plans and programs tailored to the unique needs of your industry. We care about you and your operation and work hard to ensure that you, your staff and your customers are protected. Our success is measured by the testimony of our clients who are our best advocates not just because we save them money, but because we give them the support they deserve. We offer: *Qualified experts who understand the specialised needs of the industry. *Comprehensive policies at the right price. *Claims staff available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. *Person to person service and support.

Get in touch
Phone: 03 8586 9333 or 1300 242 136
Website: http://www.abphillips.com.au

Address: 445 Warrigal Road, Moorabbin, VIC, 3189

Latest News

ACA Partners with Affinity Insurance Brokers

The Australian Camps Association (ACA) is proud to announce our new partnership with Affinity Insurance Brokers, a leader in providing specialised insurance and risk management solutions for the Australian Outdoor Industry...

Last Minute Availability
Iluka Retreat
17/02/25 - 19/02/25 100
Mornington Peninsula
ATAP accredited
Ferngully Lodge
17/02/25 - 21/02/25 120
Yarra Valley & Dandenong Ranges
ATAP accredited
Iluka Retreat
19/02/25 - 21/02/25 100
Mornington Peninsula
ATAP accredited