Looking for a camp? Try our Free Booking Enquiry Service here.


Join the Australian Camps Association

Message From The ACA Team

Hello and welcome to the Australian Camps Association, an inclusive network of professional camp, led outdoor activity operators and service providers.

If you are renewing your current membership then many thanks for your continuing support. If you are not yet a Member of the Association then please join us in supporting a thriving camp and outdoor activity community across Australia. There are a host of excellent reasons for investing in ACA membership, and we are continually developing new services that support your business and help you to get ‘more people outdoors more often’. Importantly, by joining the ACA community you will be adding your voice to our sector advocacy work and helping us promote camps and led outdoor activities for the benefit of all.

We look forward to welcoming you into the ACA community and to working on your behalf.



Member Benefits and Services

Australian Camps Association membership is open to camp operators, led outdoor activity providers, service providers, schools and individuals or organisations with an interest in the camps sector. Click to join today. View Member Benefit brochure.

The Australian Camps Association promotes the benefits of camp and led outdoor activity programs to state and federal governments, schools, community groups and the wider public across the nation. Along with adding your voice to this important work, as a Member you have access to a wide range of benefits and services, as follows:


  • Access to our Booking Enquiry Service
    Our online booking enquiry service receives enquiries every day from people and organisations looking for group accommodation at a camp or a program provider for their group, which we collate and broadcast to our members. This service typically forwards around five hundred enquiries to members across the country each year.
  • Listing in the annual Guide to Camps & Outdoor Activity Providers
    Over 10,000 hard copies of our well-known Guide are distributed each year to schools, information centres and community groups nation-wide. Members receive a FREE 1/6 page listing and can elect to take out further paid advertising at attractive rates. The Guide is also available online through our website.
  • Improved access to markets
    Members are listed in our website directory, which also enables members to promote school holiday programs or last minute vacancies at no cost, and makes it easy for groups to contact you directly (more than 400 enquiries go straight to members via this means every year).
  • Access to new product
    The Australian Camps Association is continuously carrying out market research and piloting new product development on behalf of our members.
  • Use of Australian Camps Association ‘Member’ logo
    Members are entitled to use the ‘Australian Camps Association Member’ logo on their own marketing material.
  • Savings on Quality Tourism accreditation 
    Members of the Australian Camps Association are eligible for a discounted rate on their Camps and Adventure Activity (CAA) Accreditation through the Quality Tourism Framework . Proof of membership must be provided to obtain this offer.


  • Access to our Member Resource Library -
    the one-stop-shop for all your business and compliance needs. This ‘Member only’ library is packed with essential and regularly updated resources and information that will assist your business to reach its potential.
  • Advice and general support
    Members can contact the Australian Camps Association for advice on business and strategic planning, site development, HR, operational issues, marketing and promotion.
  • Member visits
    Our Memberships team typically visits more than 200 camps and activity providers around Australia each year. These visits can be requested and offer a great opportunity for members to get hands on advice, learn about the latest on offer from the ACA and hear more about our sector.
  • Professional development
    Australian Camps Association member workshops, webinars, training days and Conferences provide an excellent opportunity to network and increase your knowledge. We hold a biennial national Conference and regular professional development events in all regions, generally at low or no cost to members.  The ACA also hosts the highly regarded International Camp Directors Course (ICDC) on behalf of the International Camping Fellowship (ICF).
  • Access to group buying scheme (Partners and Preferred Suppliers)
    The ACA has negotiated great prices for members with a range of Australian owned partners and preferred suppliers offering products and services such as food provision, insurance, gas, bunk beds, outdoor equipment, solar energy, water treatment, first aid training, coaching, etc.
  • Affiliate membership of the International Camping Fellowship
    Stay connected with world-wide issues and conversations through the broad reaching international connections available to Australian Camps Association members. Find out more about the International Camping Fellowship here.
  • Access to Research
    The Australian Camps Association is actively involved in a range of research projects on behalf of our members, including the latest in new business streams, training, health and educational thinking.
  • Regional Morning Teas
    Enjoy the hospitality of the ACA community as members open their doors to show off their sites and give insight into how they approach issues common to all operators. Great networking and great fun.
  • E- Newsletters
    Members receive regular communication and industry updates through the ACA News, Monthly Updates and Member Bulletins. Members may advertise at little or no cost in any of these publications.


  • Common voice
    The Australian Camps Association advocates for, and represents the interest of, our members to government, land managers, tourism, health and education peak bodies and other relevant groups on a range of issues that impact on our sector. The bigger our membership, the more effective this advocay is!
  • Contribution to wellbeing and inclusion.
    The Australian Camps Association supports healthy lifestyles through promoting events at ACA Member camps such as the Great Getaways (camps for over 55’s) and People Outdoors (outdoor experiences for people with disabilities) We have considerable resources to hep members broaden their business base by becoming more inclusive and open to groups of all types.
  • Pricing and Occupancy Research
    We carry out biennial Price and Occupancy surveys to gather and process data relevant to your business. The data includes current prices, occupancy rates, marketing and industry issues and gives members unique business insights.



“The Free Booking Service provided by ACA is by far the best booking service that we have used. That in itself provides great value for the annual membership fee. It provides more leads than any magazine advertising we have tried giving us more “bang for our buck”! Through the ACA Booking Service we have acquired many new group bookings, some of which have turned into regular bookings” - Grant Laidlaw, Log Cabin Camp

"The ICDC Course is not only designed to suit Camp Directors. The ICDC course is an opportunity to gain knowledge from a diverse, passionate, sharing, supportive, empowering, knowledgeable, committed, and quirky group of individuals who are looking to improve on their existing skill and knowledge base and take their situation to the next level of facilitation, professionalism and product on offer. I encourage people of all levels in this wonderful Outdoor Education/Recreation world to seriously look at this course. The opportunity for development, networking, upskilling, ideas, robust discussion and creating some wonderful opportunities is endless. I would highly recommend this course." - Kellie Wolle, Program Manager Schools and Outdoor Education Activities Development Southern Alpine Resort Management Board

Clicktojoin1-300x300.jpgFor more information please contact the ACA Memberships Manager.

Tel: (03) 9863 6822
Email: membership@auscamps.asn.au
Web: www.auscamps.asn.au



Membership Brochure cover.png

Latest News

ACA Partners with Affinity Insurance Brokers

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Last Minute Availability
Iluka Retreat
31/03/25 - 01/04/25 100
Mornington Peninsula
ATAP accredited
Briars Outdoor Education Camp
31/03/25 - 04/04/25 90
Mornington Peninsula
ATAP accredited
Phillip Island Adventure Resort
01/04/25 - 13/04/25 164
Phillip Island
ATAP accreditedNARTA accredited