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Surrounded by the Alpine and Snowy River National Parks, Wilderness Areas and State Forests, Karoonda Park provides a convenient base for exploration of this special country. The Gelantipy region from the Cobbera high peaks to the Legendary Snowy River is home to the elusive Brumby and last habitat to the endangered Victorian Brushtail Rock Wallaby. It possesses the deepest gorges, remotest wilderness areas and contributes significantly to our pioneering past of stock routes, bridle trails, and mining.
850 ha farm setting near national park and river.
Catering Details: Full Catering Only
Attractions Nearby: Alpine National Park, Buchan Caves, Snowy River, Little River Falls and Gorge, high country.
Keeping our kids safe and healthy is a top priority, especially at school camps where they spend significant time. ACA Partner, Microguard offers proactive sanitising solutions that ensure your camp facilities remain a safe and hygienic environment for all.