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Adventure For All - servicing Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland. People Outdoors, a program of the Australian Camps Association, was established in 1989 to provide outdoor recreation for people of all ages living with disability. The Australian Camps Association is a registered NDIS service provider and is accredited with the Quality Tourism Accreditation. We believe that camp based led outdoor experiences provide physical, emotional and social benefits for all people, regardless of their circumstances. Our Camp programs include overnight through to four-day residential camps and provide people living with disability the opportunity to experience the social and developmental benefits of adventure outdoors. All camps are staffed by trained and passionate disability support workers and volunteers. People Outdoors camps are hallmarked by a high level of communication with parents/guardians and campers, including a personal pre-camp intake meeting and post program evaluation. Our programs only operate at Australian Camps Association member camps that are accredited with the Quality Tourism Framework. People Outdoors camps are outcomes focused and are all about fun, personal development, social connection and enjoying the great outdoors. People Outdoors are experts in providing outdoor experiences for people living with disability.
The Australian Camps Association (ACA) is proud to announce our new partnership with Affinity Insurance Brokers, a leader in providing specialised insurance and risk management solutions for the Australian Outdoor Industry...