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ACA Statement of Advice to Members - 19 March 2020

The Australian Camps Association has endorsed a national statement released by the Outdoor Council of Australia on the 18th March regarding enforcement of cancellation terms. The wider outdoor sector, including state based outdoor peaks and other peak bodies are presenting a united front in an effort to maintain cashflow and keep camps and outdoor providers viable during these extremely demanding times. You can read the ACA statement below.

Statement of Advice to Members

19th March 2020

Contract Cancellation Process

The Australian Camps Association supports and endorses the Position Statement released by the Outdoor Council of Australia on Wednesday 18th March relating to cancellations.

This Statement is endorsed by each of our state’s peak outdoor bodies and other sector peak bodies. There is thus a coordinated and consistent national stance on this issue.

The intent of this Statement is to ensure that the life-affirming outdoor education/recreation services provided by camps are sustained. These experiences are vital for our community's physical and mental wellbeing and must be maintained for the coming years and generations.

The Australian Camps Association provides this advice in the full understanding that you may wish to approach each individual booking on a case by case basis, and we acknowledge that you have your own systems and processes. The ACA does not intend in any way to prescribe what any member must do.

The Australian Camps Association supports the general principle that contracts will be enforced in full.

The following steps may assist as a guide:

  • Check the client Contract and ensure you have all accurate details for the cancellation conversation.
  • Show empathy with the client’s situation.
  • Do not make any offers of assistance or support that you/your organisation cannot fulfil.
  • Affirm that you/your organisation will not contravene any official Health Department guidance or advice.
  • Emphasise the efforts you/your organisation have made in extending services to mitigate the risks of Covid-19 such as additional cleaning etc.
  • Re-state and emphasise the known benefits of the camp experience.
  1. 1. Inform the client that:
    • a. Your site is open for business and prepared to host the group.
    • b. Significant planning and logistics preparation have gone into their booking.
    • c. Costs have already been incurred in preparation for the booking.
    • d. Contract terms will be enforced.
  2. Contract Terms to be enforced may include (subject to your individual Contract set up):
    • a. Monies already paid will not be refunded.
    • b. At this point monies paid will not automatically be transferred to another booking date (postponement). This may be negotiated, depending on your capacity to provide for all clients at future dates (see (5) below).
    • c. An invoice will be issued and is payable for the cancellation penalty as per your Contract.
  3. Before a client confirms they intend to proceed with the cancellation, confirm the above details via email.
  4. You must require cancellation in writing.
  5. In the event that you accept and confirm a postponement, confirm this as a new Contractual agreement.
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