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ACA 2019 Conference
2019 National Conference - "Telling Our Story"
Our 2019 Australian Camps Association National Conference was held 28-29 June 2019, and what a fantastic event it was.
Delegates traveled to our host venue (and ACA member), Oaks Oasis Resort in Caloundra Queensland, from all around Australia to take part in three days of fascinating presentations, conversations and local camp visits designed to help our sector be better able to 'tell our story'.
We also welcomed international guests from China and Russia who brought their own perspective on camp related topics from their own countries. While the focus was firmly on promoting our work and capacity better to stakeholders (our clients, state and federal governments and our own sector), no ACA Conference would be complete without a range of opportunities to mix, enjoy each other's company and get to know our colleagues from near and far. The Conference Dinner held at the Caloundra RSL was just one highlight among many.
We sincerely thank our Major Conference sponsor, PFD Food Services, our Dinner sponsorVenue360 (camp software), our Networking Sponsor AB Phillips (insurance and financial services), Conference Sponsors VenueLife (camp software) and Equipped Outdoors (outdoor equipment), the Camps Tour Sponsor YMCA Camps Victoria, and our Trade Exhibitors -BECFOX - Unleash Your Power (business development), One Planet (outdoor equipment),Aubin Environmental (water treatment solutions), Hypersonic Industries (bunks),UPLOADS Project, Queensland Tourism Industry Council (Quality Tourism Framework),Australian Business Sales (business sales), and Fun Wheels (pedal go-carts).
We look forward to seeing all camps and associated providers at the next Australian Camps Association Conference in 2021!